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Add All Modules
Click this to add all of the modules the Weather Sphere
Determines a list of particle FX that the star color will be propagated to. Useful for making shooting star particles or any other FX that you only want to show at night.
Determines a list of particle FX that the cloud color will be propagated to. Useful for making cloud particles or any other FX that you want to appear the same color as the clouds.
Lock to Camera
Determines the camera that the COZY system should follow and use for rescaling.
Sky Style
Determines the style that your Sky Dome uses.
Cloud Style
Determines the style that your Cloud Dome uses.
Fog Style
Determines the style that your Fog Dome uses.
Use Physical Sun Height
Determines if the atmosphere should be rendered using the literal day percentage, or the physical sun height. If toggled off, the sky will always be the same color at 5pm. If toggled on, the sky will only be the same color if the sun is in the same location.
Separate Sun Light & Transform
When toggled on the sun light and transform can be set to separate objects allowing for greater control over where your sun disk is placed in the sky.
Follow Editor Camera
If toggled on the COZY Weather Sphere will always follow the editor camera in the scene view.
Freeze Update in Edit Mode
If toggled on all scripts will not update unless the game is playing.
Disable Sun At Night
If toggled on the sun light component will be disabled at night. Recommended for better performance!
Cozy Trigger Tag
Determines the tag that FX block zones will use
Modules Per Row
Determines the number of modules that will display per row in the editor
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