πEclipse Module
Bring celestial disaster to your worlds with the new solar eclipse module for COZY: Stylized Weather 3. Automatically interpolate the sky colors to a custom profile of colors using an Eclipse profile.
Key Features
Create more visual interest in your game by adding realistic variation.
Set up dynamic eclipse patterns with one click.
Use Eclipse Profiles to interpolate sky colors to the eclipse variant.
Links to your Satellite and Atmosphere Modules automatically
Syncs with COZY: Blocks and the Atmosphere Module
Infinite Use Cases
Use an event to call Eclipse and move the sky to a deep red during a boss fight
Increase monster spawns in your open-world game during a rare solar eclipse
Temporal puzzles or achievements. Lock certain puzzles in your open-world game behind a rare solar eclipse.
Create memorable events that make your game stand out in the minds of your players.
Eclipse Profile
The Eclipse Profile gives you the ability to control all of the Atmosphere Profile variables using an influence gradient or curve. These gradients are sampled at the value of eclipse ratio, and then the Eclipse Module interpolates the corresponding value in the atmosphere module to the new color based on the sampled alpha. This gives you greater freedom to set the curve at which the eclipse interpolates in.
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